Thursday, 21 July 2016

Canvas - Drawing Arcs

The first code is a simple example:
import Tkinter
root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  200, 200
c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")
c1.create_arc(30, 30, 200, 200, start = 30, extent = 45, outline = "brown", 
fill = "yellow", width = 4)
c1.create_arc(10, 130, 200, 230, start = 30, extent = 145, outline = "brown", 
fill = "yellow", width = 4)
c1.create_arc(30, 30, 100, 100, start = 30, extent = 295, outline = "green", 
width = 2)
c1.create_arc(50, 50, 65, 60, start = 30, extent = 310, outline = "green", 
width = 2)
We must create a canvas using the "Canvas" method, also its dimensions are declared here.
c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")
Then we create an arc by using:
c1.create_arc(30, 30, 200, 200, start = 30, extent = 45, outline = "brown", fill = "yellow", width = 4)
The coordinates of the first point are (30, 30), and of the last point are (200, 200). The attributes of outline_color and width_size go with "outline" and "width", respectively.
Then we could show the results in the screen by using the "pack" or "grid" methods.
img_01 The next code has some variations.
import Tkinter

def mz(x, y):
    # Oval within a fixed space
    c1.create_oval(x, y, x + 20, y + 10, fill = "red")

def arc(ax, ay, bx, by, s, e, w, o, f = None):
    c1.create_arc(  ax, ay, bx, by  ,
                    start   = s     ,
                    extent  = e     ,
                    outline = o     ,
                    fill    = f     ,
                    width   = w     )

root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  200, 200
c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")
arc(30,  30, 200, 200, 30,  45, 4, "brown", "yellow")
arc(10, 130, 200, 230, 30, 145, 4, "brown", "yellow")
arc(50,  50,  65,  60, 30, 310, 2, "white", "green" )
arc(30,  30, 100, 100, 30, 295, 2, "green")

pts = [ [ 35, 150],  [55, 160], [ 60, 140], [ 85, 160],
        [ 90, 142], [115, 155], [120, 140], [125,  85],
        [133,  65], [138,  45], [143, 145], [160,  65]

for n in range(len(pts)):
    mz(pts[n][0], pts[n][1])

img_01v2 Second code sample is:
import Tkinter

def arc_fi(a, b, s, e, w):
    ax, ay = a[0], a[1]
    bx, by = b[0], b[1]
    fc = "yellow"   # fill      color
    c1.create_arc(ax, ay, bx, by, start = s, extent = e, fill = fc, width = w)

root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  200, 200

c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")

for i in range(4, 7):
    a = [10 * i, 10 * i]
    b = [40 * i, 40 * i]
    s = 15 * i
    e = s + 15
    arc_fi(a, b, s, e, 4)

img_02 Third code sample is:
import Tkinter

def arc_of(a, b, s, e, w):
    ax, ay = a[0], a[1]
    bx, by = b[0], b[1]
    pts    = [ax, ay, bx, by]
    oc = "brown"    # outline   color
    fc = "yellow"   # fill      color
    c1.create_arc(pts, start = s, extent = e, outline = oc, fill = fc, width = w)

root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  200, 200

c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")

for i in range(0, 4):
    a = [30, 30]
    b = [170, 170]
    s = 30 * i
    e = s + 30
    arc_of(a, b, s, e, 2)


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