Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Canvas - Drawing Polygons


The first code is a simple example:

import Tkinter
root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  170, 170
c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")
ps = [   60, 130,  40, 120,  40,  80,  70,  40,
        100,  40, 130,  80, 130, 120, 110, 130] 
c1.create_polygon(ps, outline = 'yellow', fill = 'teal', width = 2)

We must create a canvas using the "Canvas" method, also its dimensions are declared here.
c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = "black")

Then we create a polygon by using:
c1.create_polygon(points, outline='yellow', fill='teal', width=2)

The coordinates of the points that define the polygon are in the "ps" list:

ps = [ 60, 130, 40, 120, 40, 80, 70, 40, 100, 40, 130, 80, 130, 120, 110, 130]

Then we could show the results in the screen by using the "pack" or "grid" methods.


The next examples have some variations.
Second code sample is:

import Tkinter

root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  200, 200
a, b    =   40,  40
bgc     = "blue"  # bgc : background colour
cr1     = "brown"
cr2     = "yellow"

c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = bgc)

points = [   60 + a, 130 + b,  40 + a, 120 + b,
             40 + a,  80 + b,  70 + a,  40 + b,
            100 + a,  40 + b, 130 + a,  70 + b,
              2 + a,   0 + b,   0 + a,   0 + b]

c1.create_polygon(points, outline = cr1, fill = cr2, width = 2)


Third code sample is:

import Tkinter

def tr(a, b, m, n):
    ax, ay = [ 0 * m + a,  0 * n + b]
    bx, by = [ 0 * m + a, 20 * n + b]
    cx, cy = [17 * m + a, 10 * n + b]
    ps = [ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy]
    c1.create_polygon(ps, outline = cr1, fill = cr2, width = 2)

root    = Tkinter.Tk()
s       = 20
ch, cw  = 200, 200
a, b, n =  40,  30, 14
bgc     = "black"  # bgc : background colour
cr1     = "white"
cr2     = "red"

c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw, bg = bgc)

# Lil' triangles array
for i in range(17):
    tr(20 + 10 * i,  20, 0.5, 0.5)
    tr(20 + 10 * i, 180, 0.5, 0.5)

# Parts of a big triangle
tr(45 + s,  45, 2.5, 2.5)
tr(95 + s,  75, 2.5, 2.5)
tr(45 + s, 105, 2.5, 2.5)


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