Thursday, 28 January 2016

Canvas - Drawing Lines

The first code is a simple example:
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
c1 = Canvas(root, height = 180, width = 200)
c1.create_line(20, 20, 160, 160, fill = "orange"  , width = 3)
c1.create_line(40, 50, 100, 110, fill = "yellow"  , width = 3)
We must create a canvas using the "Canvas" method, also its dimensions are declared here.

c1 = Canvas(root, height = 180, width = 200)
Then we create a line using:

c1.create_line(20, 20, 160, 160, fill = "orange" , width = 3)

The coordinates of the first point are (20, 20), and of the last point are (160, 160). The attributes of fill_color and line_width go with "fill" and "width", respectively.

Then we could show the results in the screen by using the "pack" or "grid" methods.

The next examples are a little more complex but show something else than just a couple of lines.
Second code sample is:
import Tkinter
def line(a, b, color, w):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]
    c1.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = color, width = w)

root    =  Tkinter.Tk()
ch, cw  =  180, 200
A, B, C =  [30,   16], [160,  16], [30, 165]
D, E, F =  [160, 165], [ 20, 164], [90,  94]
G, H, I =  [100,  85], [168,  16], [20,  16]
J       =  [168, 165]
P       =  [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]

c1 = Tkinter.Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw)
for i in range(len(P) / 2):
    if i < 2:
        line(P[2 * i], P[2 * i + 1], "red" , 3)
        line(P[2 * i], P[2 * i + 1], "blue", 3)

Third code sample is:
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
ch, cw = 180, 200
r , s  =   5,  5
xs, xr =   5,  3
loop_b =  12
loop_c =  40
loop_d =  7
ox, oy = -20,  -10
dx, dy =   5, 2.5
n = 1.0
a = [ 80 * n + ox, 160 * n + oy]
b = [160 * n + ox, 160 * n + oy]
c = [ 64 * n + ox, 135 * n + oy]
d = [120 * n + ox, 135 * n + oy]
e = [123 * n + ox, 135 * n + oy]
f = [160 * n + ox, 135 * n + oy]
g = [100 * n + ox,  20 * n + oy]
h = [120 * n + ox,  20 * n + oy]

c1 = Canvas(root, height = ch, width = cw)

for i in range(31):
    y =  0 + 5 * i
    c1.create_line(0, y, 200, y, fill = "cyan")

for i in range(5):
    x0, y0 = a[0] - 2 * r * i, a[1] - r * i
    x1, y1 = b[0] + 2 * r * i, b[1] - r * i
    c1.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = "orange")
    print x0, y0, x1, y1

for i in range(loop_b):
    x0, y0 = c[0] + xs * i, c[1] - s * i
    x1, y1 = d[0] + 00 * i, d[1] - s * i
    c1.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = "white")

for i in range(loop_b):
    x0, y0 = e[0] + 00 * i, e[1] - s * i
    x1, y1 = f[0] - xr * i, f[1] - s * i
    c1.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = "white")

for j in range(loop_d):
    for i in range(loop_c):
        x0, y0 = 0.0 + 5 * i, 152.5 + 5 * j
        x1, y1 = 2.5 + 5 * i, 150.0 + 5 * j
        x2, y2 = 5.0 + 5 * i, 155.0 + 5 * j
        c1.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = "blue")
        c1.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill = "blue")


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